Epiksol Creative V.1 Launched!

First of all, Happy New Year! I hope your holiday season was a prosperous one!

Now, as you can see the new site design has been launched! However, there is still work to be done. Epiksol will be undergoing full rebranding efforts in the upcoming weeks including more tweaks to the layout you are viewing now.

As for the name, Epiksol.info : The Creative Works of Daniel Campo will assume the name of Epiksol Creative. You may have already noticed that the domain name to the site has changed from Epiksol.info to EpiksolCreative.com. Amongst these changes are those to the contact information.

Here is a list of new contacts:

General Information
  • info@epksolcreative.com

Sales Information / Quote Requests
  • sales@epiksolcreative.com

I look forward to serving even more business and individuals who want to create an effective presence locally and online. Epiksol Creative has received high praise thus far and we do not intend to stop now! May your 2011 bring you great success and great reward!

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Welcome to Epiksol Creative! We are a small startup firm offering Epic Creative Services including professional Web, Branding & Graphic Design. We serve the South Florida area including…

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